So far I haven't been able to pick up a job. It's disappointing but at least I can focus on school. Speaking of, I think I'm ready to graduate. I have some bad
senioritis. All I can think of anymore is getting writing jobs and working. Adding a second major will be worth it, but staying that extra semester is gonna suck.
I've had this song stuck in my head lately. It's so fun though.
This week should go by pretty quickly now. Tomorrow I have two classes, then one quick one Friday morning. I want to get to work on the profile I'm writing next. The words should come pretty easily for this one.
I've been wanting to read
this book
, but I haven't gotten the time. Reviews look pretty good. The book doesn't officially release for a couple more weeks, but I have an advanced copy from one of the librarians. It starts off really well. I think I need to sit down and read it. Jeez. I don't think I'm ever going to get to read all the things I want to. Seems like I find another book I want to read every day.