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Saturday, April 17, 2010

From Absent to Just Absent-Minded

I'm in the end-of-semester rush phase. I'm too busy to think about anything other than writing and anthropology Today is my day off, so I'm catching up on some assignments. Making some progress and that feels good. I hate having so much on my to-do list. It makes my shoulders cramp up.

Last night I caught an oversight in my Fall 2010 class schedule that created a scheduling conflict. I started looking for a way to rework my schedule, but there weren't enough classes offered to make it work and still allow me to take the classes I want to take. I found a different solution.

I changed my minor. I'm now minoring in communications. This is the last possible moment in my college career that I could make a decision like this one, but after having my roommate, Allie, go over my RAP sheet and verifying what I had figured, we found that it would work out. I will have to take twelve hours this summer if I want to ensure that I have plenty of English and communications hours, but it's do-able.

This is great for me, though. Because of the comm. minor, I can take Persuasive Writing, Media Writing, Publication Design, and Mass Communication Perspectives. It'll help me with my writing a lot. I wish I had known these classes existed earlier. I'm glad I screwed up, and really glad that I found out when I did.

Well, getting back to work. I just had to stop in and share the news.

1 comment:

  1. Wow big changes for so late in your degree! good luck with communications. Anthropology seemed a bit random anyway...
