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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Little Helper

I have been on Zoloft for about a month now, and while I don't like the idea of taking meds instead of making progress on my own, I decided I needed this. I was having too much trouble with the anxiety and I knew I would never push myself past certain boundaries without some help. It has definitely helped.

I feel so much more relaxed in the situations that trigger the most anxiety and because of that relaxation I'm able to look at those situations more objectively. The fear isn't so completely overpowering that I can't see outside of myself. I've made progress on public speaking because of the medication (and I know that from the period I took off of meds from last semester). Zoloft was only a trial before and I wasn't sure about it, but I changed my mind.

I know it'll be hard to adjust to life without pharmaceutical assistance and I'm worried, but that's why I want to make the most progress I can while I'm on the drugs. I want to beat this anxiety.

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