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Monday, March 15, 2010

Silence the Censor

Seventeen days left . . . is that right? Whatever it is, it's coming up. I'm excited.

I found some writing inspiration today and now I'm almost done with the essay I have to turn in tomorrow. I'm happy about the way I've been been regarding my writing, too. I felt good about the story I'm writing; I was thinking it's actually turning out really well, but then the negative voice popped up for a moment to say it's really not so great. I told "evil Sarah" that she was wrong. I've been ignoring her ever since.

On an unrelated note, ever since I started doing crunches daily I've been having back pain. It's been interfering with my sleep. I don't think I'm pulling my neck, and I've recently been stretching more, but it's not getting any better. I'm hoping this is because I need to get used to it and over time the pain will just go away. I guess I'll see.

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