I was shelving at work today and I came across a book on anxiety that looked good. It's called The Anxiety Book: Developing Strength in the Face of Fear. It's by Dr. Jonathan Davidson, Director of the Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Program at Duke University Medical Center. I'm looking forward to seeing what this book can give me. I might share it with my counselor next time I see her, and I'll definitely be posting whatever I think might interest anyone else.
I had a conversation with one of my co-workers in the sorting room today while we were getting books in order. Somehow the topic of anxiety came up (I'm sure that I brought it up, but I don't remember why), and she admitted that she shares a lot of the same feelings I do about social situations. Now, I knew she had some anxiety issues; she often has trouble relating to people and can come across as cold and aloof. I was glad that we had a chance to talk about it finally. I'm hoping I can help her with it in some way in the future. I'm going to need to understand my own problems a little better first, though.
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